“Amidst the unprecedented threats to world democracy created by Russia with its invasion, municipalities in Ukraine prove that expanding the competence of local self-government by delegating part of state powers to its bodies is a justified and reasonable step.”
This is stated in the Analytical Report “Local Self-Government as a Factor Contributing to Resilience in the Rear” by the National Institute of Strategic Studies.
“Achieving decentralisation, autonomy of local self-government, trust of the state in the population and municipalities have played a pivotal role in the formation of mutual trust in society. This trust now creates a powerful basis for the unity of the regions of our country in the face of the invasion waged by the Russian fascists. Municipalities have shown exceptional resilience in wartime: those that have been temporarily occupied retain the potential for resistance and the ability to recover after liberation; and municipalities in the rear provide the socio-economic basis for Ukraine’s victory. The resilience shown by the municipalities of various types makes the case for decentralisation as a concept and the need to deepen it as part of post-war development. Local self-government bodies continue to exercise their powers aimed at resolving issues of local importance, keeping in mind the specifics of functioning under martial law.”
According to the document, the war caused significant damage to our state and challenged the local self-government of Ukraine, but also initiated a number of important positive changes of a strategic nature.
“This is primarily about a significant increase in the efficiency of interaction between state authorities, the leadership of municipalities and representatives of NGOs and volunteer organisations. Their cooperation allowed municipalities to both strengthen their own potential and play a key role in strengthening the economic potential of the country. In wartime, local self-government bodies function, provide their services and help the army. They are active not only in the rear, but also in the temporarily occupied territories and even in the areas of active hostilities.”
Read the Analytical Report to learn about other expert findings and conclusions.
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