The French city of Libourne and the city of Kaharlyk in Kyiv region have become partners

The Mayor of Libourne confirmed the participation of the French municipality in the "Bridges of Trust" initiative within U-LEAD with Europe.

Philippe Buisson, mayor of Libourne, at the end of his speech given during the commemoration of the Armistice of Compiègne of November 11, 1918, announced a partnership with the city of Kaharlyk in Ukraine under the "Bridges of Trust" initiative by U-LEAD. Libourne extended a helping hand to Kaharlyk in Kyiv region, which hosts thousands of IDPs from the capital.

"This initiative is aimed at establishing cooperation between Ukrainian and EU municipalities. It is important to ask ourselves how to continue helping the hromadas that are the backbone of the national resistance," said Philippe Buisson.

The topics of the first meeting between Libourne and Kaharlyk were local democracy and economic development. Besides, according to the mayor of Libourne, the urgent needs of the population on the eve of the harsh winter were discussed at the meeting.

"Kaharlyk municipality needs medicines and generators. The idea is to be ready to deliver everything necessary to our partners in the coming weeks," Philippe Buisson clarified.

16.11.2022 - 16:11 | Views: 2841
The French city of Libourne and the city of Kaharlyk in Kyiv region have become partners


partnership international support


Київська область


Кагарлицька територіальна громада



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