The European Union provided conclusions and recommendations regarding the Roadmap for Local Self-Government Recovery in Ukraine

“We have received the conclusion and recommendations of the European Union regarding the Roadmap for Local Self-Government Recovery in Ukraine,” Vitaliy Bezgin, MP, Chairman of the Subcommittee of the Parliamentary Subcommittee on State Building, Local Governance, Regional and Urban Development, posted on his Facebook page.

According to him, the document is generally positive, and so is the relevant conclusion of the Council of Europe.

Here are the main feedback points:

- Ukraine should follow the path of clear division of competencies between the central and local authorities by law.

“More active European integration may finally provide an impetus for the introduction of the Municipal Code,” said Vitaliy Bezgin.

- Financial independence of local self-government should be preserved and strengthened.

“It is worth noting that the draft budget for 2023 presented by the Government does not place any constraints on local self-government, despite fears and manipulations that have been voiced. Therefore, this objective has been met to the fullest extent,” said the MP.

- The administrative and territorial system of Ukraine as it’s existed since 2020 is noted as the main successful element of the reform. However, there is concern about the item of the Recovery Roadmap regarding its selective revision following the consequences of the armed aggression of the Russian Federation.

“I believe that there is a communication problem here, because our European partners perceive this item as total changes, while we are talking exclusively about selective adjustments,” said Vitaliy Bezgin.

- A positive assessment is given to the Ukrainian commitment to the improvement of the electoral legislation regarding ​​local elections, taking into account the challenges that have arisen due to the new stage of armed aggression of the Russian Federation.

- Decentralisation must finally be enshrined in the Constitution.


06.10.2022 - 10:59 | Views: 2200
The European Union provided conclusions and recommendations regarding the Roadmap for Local Self-Government Recovery in Ukraine


international support Vitalii Bezghin war


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