A roundtable on reconstruction of Ukraine was held by USAID HOVERLA Activity in Washington DC

On 31 August 2022, USAID HOVERLA Activity, in close cooperation with the United States Institute for Peace, the Atlantic Council and the Embassy of Ukraine in the USA organized a roundtable devoted to the reconstruction of Ukraine in Washington DC. The reconstruction of Ukraine is a vital task for the Ukrainian Government, which requires action not only after the victory, but also during this time of invasion.

The panelists at the roundtable were:

  • Ambassador William B. Taylor, Vice President at the United States Institute for Peace
  • Ms. Melinda Haring, Deputy Director of the Eurasia Center at the Atlantic Council
  • Ms. Oksana Markarova, Ukraine’s Ambassador to the United States
  • Mr. Oleksiy Chernyshov, Minister of Communities and Territorial Development of Ukraine
  • Ms. Tine Knott, Vice-President at DAI

Oleksiy Chernyshov, Minister of Communities and Territorial Development of Ukraine briefed the participants of the event on the achievements of the decentralization reform, presented the Ukrainian government’s program Rapid Recovery for Survival and pointed out:

“The big challenge for the next six months is to ensure a stable heating season for Ukrainians. We will also work on the restoration of infrastructure: housing, medical and educational institutions, kindergartens, communal facilities, roads and bridges. The Government is preparing for all crises. It has a clear work plan as well as quality and cost control tools. However, we need financial support from our partners to resist the enemy and survive in difficult times. I was happy to continue the dialogue about recovery. We have a common vision for the future with our partners.”

During the discussion, Ambassador Taylor emphasized the need for Ukraine to achieve peace first and reaffirmed the U.S. Government’s and the American people’s support for Ukraine.


international support Oleksii Chernyshov


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