Oleksii Chernyshov: The country we are currently designing should be a country people will want to return to

The Outcome Declaration of the Ukraine Recovery Conference, which took place in Lugano, Switzerland, was adopted. This was announced by Oleksii Chernyshov, Minister for Communities and Territories Development of Ukraine, in his Facebook post.

According to Oleksii Chernyshov, he also held a number of important meetings.

“In order to address urgent issues, I held numerous meetings to enlist the support of representatives of foreign countries and international organisations. We discussed attracting investments to restore the economy of Ukraine and its cities. Everyone I’ve spoken to expressed their willingness to help Ukraine!” wrote the Minister.

He detailed that during the meeting with Karoline Edtstadler, Federal Minister for the EU and Constitution at the Federal Chancellery of Austria, where the issues of European integration were discussed.

Oleksii Chernyshov discussed the possibilities of providing short-term and long-term housing to internally displaced persons, including patronage of one of the Ukrainian regions, with Franz Fayot, Minister for Development Cooperation and Humanitarian Affairs of Luxembourg.

They discussed the coordination of efforts for the reconstruction and modernisation of the city of Mykolaiv and the Mykolaiv region with Jeppe Kofod, Minister for Foreign Affairs of Denmark.

At the meeting with Erin Elizabeth McKee, Head of the Bureau for Europe and Eurasia (E&E) at USAID, the parties discussed the issue of boosting the economy of Ukraine for the immediate recovery of the country.

“The country we are currently designing should be a country people will want to return to,” Oleksii Chernyshov summed up.

The Minister for Communities and Territories Development presented the Plan for the Regional Reconstruction and Development of Ukraine during the Ukraine Recovery Conference.


05.07.2022 - 17:33 | Views: 2318
Oleksii Chernyshov: The country we are currently designing should be a country people will want to return to

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Oleksii Chernyshov international support war


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