On July 4, Minister for Communities and Territories Development Oleksiy Chernyshov took part in the panel discussion “Infrastructure Restoration” as part of the international Ukraine Recovery Conference (URC2022) in Lugano, Switzerland. During the event, he presented the Regional Recovery and Development Plan, which is part of the Ukraine’s Recovery Plan.
“As of mid-June, we have an indicator of total losses from physical destruction of 95.5 billion dollars. The war singled out four groups of regions in our country: front, support, rear and de-occupied ones. Each of them has their own challenges and tasks. At the same time, municipalities demonstrated adaptability and flexibility to the challenges of the war,” said Oleksiy Chernyshov.
The Minister also outlined the vision for the future, in particular: implementation of Decentralization 2.0; updated multi-level governance and regional policy — synchronized with the EU policy; development of cities with a focus on people and their needs; transparent reconstruction.
“Currently, our directions are: restoration, construction of temporary housing, increasing the number of social housing. We are focused on strengthening energy efficiency, modernizing the entire housing and communal economy, reducing emissions and recycling waste. We will develop the creative economy, build scientific centers and industrial parks. Our infrastructure will contribute to the development of all regions, the entire state!” said the Minister.
Oleksii Chernyshov war international support
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