The support of European municipalities is extremely important for Ukraine. This was emphasized by Minister for Communities and Territories Development of Ukraine Oleksiy Chernyshov during a meeting with Alfred Riedl, President of the Austrian Association of Municipalities.
The Minister said on Facebook that during the meeting the Parties discussed issues of cooperation and patronage between the cities of Austria and Ukraine.
“I am grateful for the offer to help Ukrainian rescuers. I would like the participation of mayors and municipalities of Europe in the recovery of Ukraine to be resilient. Together we will provide additional impetus for quality cooperation at the local level,” wrote Oleksiy Chernyshov.
Cooperation with foreign municipalities at the local level to rebuild the infrastructure of Ukrainian hromadas was also discussed with the President of the Austrian Association of Municipalities at the Office of the President of Ukraine. It was announced that an online resource is being developed today, which will show every destroyed or damaged infrastructure object – with photos and detailed information about it. It will soon be publicly available so that the partners can begin work on these facilities.
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