MPs Olena Shuliak and Vitalii Bezgin spoke about the legislative front of the reconstruction of Ukraine

On June 2, in Kyiv, the Association of Ukrainian Cities held the ReVIVEd Ukraine – ReVIVEd Communities Forum. The purpose of the event was to present the architecture of the revived Ukraine in all areas of community life. MPs Olena Shuliak and Vitalii Bezgin took part in the discussion.

Olena Shuliak, Deputy Chairman of the Committee of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine on the Organisation of State Power, Local Self-Government, Regional Development and Urban Planning, said that the Parliament is working in many directions to rebuild Ukraine.

“The economic front of work is primarily focused on the restoration and revival of Ukraine, and the Parliament works as a defence coalition,” said Olena Shuliak.

She spoke about the main directions of the Verkhovna Rada’s efforts, including Draft Law No. 7282, which introduces a new concept of the Programme of Comprehensive Restoration of Territories, the bill on engineering protection of population, Draft Law No. 6485 on energy efficiency requirements for buildings and the draft law on compensating the population for the housing lost due to the war.

Vitalii Bezgin, Chairman of the Subcommittee on Administrative and Territorial Organisation of the Committee of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine on the Organisation of State Power, Local Self-Government, Regional Development and Urban Planning, also addressed the forum. He thanked all the representatives of local self-government bodies who, together with the Armed Forces of Ukraine, are thoroughly repelling the occupiers.

“I hope that the work we started when we passed Draft Law No. 7269 on regulating the functioning of local self-government bodies under martial law is just the beginning. Indeed, we have a long period of reconstruction ahead of us. The challenges we face will change our approach to the development of municipalities. The new legislation on state and regional policy should be the basis of everything. There should be clear parameters for municipalities and territories for the reconstruction period: restoration of affected areas, development projects for the rest,” said Vitalii Bezgin.

He also stressed that the focus of priorities should be tax decentralisation. He expressed the belief that local self-governments should finally be able to administer taxes.

03.06.2022 - 10:08 | Views: 3003
MPs Olena Shuliak and Vitalii Bezgin spoke about the legislative front of the reconstruction of Ukraine


Vitalii Bezghin war law Olena Shuliak


Асоціація міст України

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