President has signed a law extending the powers of heads of municipalities during martial law

The President of Ukraine signed the Law “On Amendments to the Law of Ukraine “On the Legal Regime of Martial Law” on the Functioning of Local Self-Government during Martial Law” (draft law No 7269).

As reported, the draft law regulates the functioning of military administrations, unblocks the issue of civil service, simplifies the procedure for hiring and dismissing employees.

With the adoption of the law, individual decisions of municipalities’ leaders are possible in such areas:

  • transfer of funds from the local budget for the needs of the Armed Forces of Ukraine;
  • establishment of institutions for the provision of free primary legal aid;
  • fight against natural disasters and epidemics;
  • hazardous waste management;
  • liberation of communal land plots from illegally placed temporary constructions;
  • inspection of buildings and constructions damaged as a result of military actions;
  • dismantling of buildings and constructions, which according to the results of the survey are recognized as dangerous and life-threatening.

The powers of oblast / rayon councils, in accordance with the law, may be taken over by the relevant Oblast Military Administration / Rayon Military Administration in case of:

  • occupation or encirclement of the administrative center;
  • relevant decision of the President, if it is supported by a vote of the Verkhovna Rada.

In the event that the Parliament adopts a decision on the proposal of the President, the heads of the Oblast Military Administration / Rayon Military Administration receive such additional functionality:

  • the executive staff of the rayon and oblast councils reports to the head of the relevant military administration;
  • communal enterprises, institutions and organizations based on the commonly-owned property of municipalities of the rayon or oblast are subordinated to the relevant military administration;
  • management of commonly-owned objects of municipalities of the rayon and / or oblast is carried out by the head of the relevant rayon and / or oblast military administration;
  • appointment of persons to positions and dismissals from positions carried out by the head of the rayon military administration shall be agreed with the head of the relevant oblast military administration;
  • the head of the regional military administration, the head of the district military administration in agreement with the head of the relevant regional military administration may dismiss employees of the executive staff of the district and / or regional council (for such employees, a downtime is announced or they are transferred to an equivalent or lower position).

It should be reminded that Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine adopted draft law No 7269 on May 12, 2022, in the second reading and as a whole.

18.05.2022 - 20:43 | Views: 13465
President has signed a law extending the powers of heads of municipalities during martial law


law war


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