U-LEAD with Europe together with MinRegion launched a programme to support regions affected by Russian military aggression

Today Oleksiy Chernyshov, Minister for Communities and Territories Development of Ukraine, together with Matti Maasikas, Head of the EU Delegation to Ukraine, visited the hub in Kyiv oblast, where the first batch of aid will be distributed to Kyiv oblast municipalities.

According to the Minister, the assistance is organised in the form of packages. For example, the recovery packages already in stock compose generators, chainsaws and other tools needed for the initial repair work related to the consequences of military actions. In the coming days, mini-diggers for the municipalities of Kyiv oblast are expected to be delivered within the framework of this package.

The same aid packages for Chernihiv, Sumy and Zhytomyr oblasts will soon arrive at this hub as well.

But this is not the only hub, there are 2 more in other oblast centers in Ukraine, said Oleksiy Chernyshov.

He thanked European partners for their support.

Attached images:


Oleksii Chernyshov international support


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