Government has allocated the first billion hryvnias for the reconstruction of the territories liberated from Russian troops

“We are allocating the first billion hryvnias from the Reserve Fund to rebuild the territories liberated from Russian troops,”
Denys Shmyhal, Prime Minister of Ukraine, posted on his Facebook page.

According to the Prime Minister, the funds will be used to mitigate the consequences of hostilities and restore the critical infrastructure: UAH 400,000,000 towards the Kyiv region, UAH 250,000,000 each towards the Chernihiv and Sumy regions, and UAH 100,000,000 towards the Zhytomyr region.

“The funds will be used to repair utility networks and systems to restore heating, gas, water supply and electricity. They will also be used for clearing the rubble, repairing roofs, replacing windows and doors, eliminating potholes on roads and other priority needs,” Denys Shmyhal wrote.

He stated that the funds will be managed by civil-military administrations in each region. On the Ministry side, the process will be coordinated by the Ministry for Communities and Territories Development.

“This is only the first stage, and there is a lot of work ahead to rebuild our country. We will start major rebuilding right after our victory,” the Prime Minister wrote.


10.04.2022 - 20:34 | Views: 4353
Government has allocated the first billion hryvnias for the reconstruction of the territories liberated from Russian troops


budget war


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