How Chernihiv oblast municipalities are fighting against Russian invaders and getting ready for the sowing campaign

The war has changed the lives of Ukrainians dramatically and instantaneously. Instead of their usual professional and private affairs thousands of men have stood up to defend their Motherland, thousands of women have been forced to hide in air-raid shelters or to flee their homes, thousands of citizens have got involved in volunteering movement. The local self-government has also changed radically as instead of developing their municipalities heads and local council representatives have to be busy with focusing their efforts on tackling urgent issues of at least minimum life support of the local residents, as well as counteracting the enemy.

On the first day of the russian aggression in Ukraine the enemy ‘s route crossed the northern municipalities of the Chernihiv oblast. Due to the powerful resistance and rusists’ plans being broken, certain municipalities of the oblast became cut off towns and are currently forced to solve the issue of survival under the martial law independently – for many of them access to medicines and medical aid is rather troublesome; food supply is unavailable; there are problems with electricity and connection. However, people are overcoming the troubles persistently, being ready to fight with the enemy and even getting ready for the sowing campaign.

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