WOW Municipalities – a Swedish-Ukrainian project invites municipalities to cooperate

A new international initiative has started in Ukraine, aimed at supporting local municipalities development. It is called WOW Municipalities, with WOW standing for Work on Wonders. 10 Ukrainian municipalities will get expert support to develop their development strategies, over 200 municipalities are able to partake in residences of ideas – intensive practical trainings, and the Ukrainian Catholic University will develop a certified curriculum for local self-government bodies. The initiative is supported by the Government of Sweden within the Swedish-Ukrainian project “Decentralisation Support in Ukraine”.

Municipalities with up to 100 thousand residents are welcome to participate.

The application deadline is March, 4, 2022.

More details are available at the organizers’ site:



18.02.2022 - 14:25 | Views: 4569

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competition stratehiia rozvytku international support


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