Novelties of Law On the Administrative Procedure have been presented at the joint seminar by the HOVERLA USAID Project and EU4PAR

On February, 17, the HOVERLA USAID Project, jointly with EU4PAR held a training seminar, dedicated to novelties and challenges for the local self-government. On the same day the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine adopted as a whole bill  №3475 on the administrative procedure with the President’s suggestions.

Larysa Bilozir, the head of the subcommittee on administrative services and procedures of the Committee of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine on the state power organization, local self-government, regional and urban development, emphasized:

«The law will make it possible to make both local self-government bodies and ministries humane. It creates unified rules of cooperation between citizens, businesses and state. Local self-government bodies will have to work hard over the law implementation but it is extremely important for citizens to communicate with the state more easily. I am sure that municipalities will succeed as there are a year and a half to get ready for it. I am happy that such projects as HOVERLA USAID and EU4PAR join the municipalities’ support on the way».

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participation of citizens


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