Municipalities are being selected for the project «Domestic violence free towns and municipalities»

UNFPA in Ukraine announces a competitive selection of 10 towns and municipalities from all oblasts of Ukraine to partake in the project “ Domestic violence free towns and municipalities” for 2022-2024.

Within cooperation with the selected municipalities, it is planned to provide them with extensive support for the purpose of developing the municipal system of domestic violence prevention and counteraction on the grounds of gender identity.

If your municipality is interested in the project participation, it is necessary to fill in the registration form and to send it by 6 P.M. ON March, 2022 to:

08.02.2022 - 10:32 | Views: 4899
Municipalities are being selected for the project «Domestic violence free towns and municipalities»


competition social services international support


Представництво Фонду ООН у галузі народонаселення

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