The HOVERLA USAID project is developing spatial planning in regions

This week a spatial planning experts’ team of the HOVERLA USAID Project has conducted a set of events in the Volyn oblast: a strategic session on developing a complex spatial development plan for the Shatsk municipality, consultations and a working group meeting for the Lyubeshivka municipality, as well as a two-day training on municipality spatial development scenarios priority tools for Volyn municipalities. The events involved over 200 representatives of municipalities, currently developing the task of their territory spatial development complex plan.

All the events will assist Hoverla municipalities-partners in forming their vision of their territories development, defining the municipality available and potential resources, as well as creating new conditions for business development, investment involvement and improvement of social, transport and engineering infrastructure.

29.01.2022 - 10:15 | Views: 3558

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international support spatial planning


Волинська область


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