U-LEAD will assist municipalities in developing local plans of waste management

The Programme by U-LEAD is an opportunity for municipalities to develop and/or adapt the local plan of waste management and to learn the best international and Ukrainian experience in the sphere, with support of an experienced expert, sharing experience with colleagues from other municipalities.

It is an online programme, involving:

  • An educational component – 8 interwoven educational events, combining theoretical and practical seminars (from March, 10, 2022 till June, 2, 2022).
  • A virtual training visit to a municipality, having a successful experience of managing waste – April, 4, 2022.
  • Expert’s consultative support at the stage of preparing and developing Local Plans of Waste Management – from March, 16, 2022 till July, 23, 2022.

12 municipalities with the population not exceeding 50 thousand people will be selected to participate in the programme.

To participate in the selection, it is necessary to fill in the form at: https://bit.ly/3KlDnkU and to send it by 6 P.M. on February, 9, 2022 to: regops.u-lead@giz.de.

18.01.2022 - 10:08 | Views: 5131

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