Fire monitoring and analysis maps have been developed for municipalities of eastern Ukraine

Within the project “No smoking” it was suggested that a geo-analytical tool (map) of fire monitoring and analysis should be developed on the basis of operational satellite and retrospective information on fires for the last five years for the purpose of efficiently planning preventive measures aimed at fighting large scale fires in municipalities. According to the competitive selection results, ten municipalities of the Donetsk and Luhansk oblasts. Moreover, regional maps enabling to analyze fire condition and dynamics for the last five years on the territory of the two oblasts.

The map has been developed on the basis of NASA satellite data, Public Cadastre Map, Nature Reserve Fund, including a set of information and analytical tools in terms of fire dynamics, location and scale, the area damaged by fire, etc.

Feel free to get acquainted with the developed maps at municipality sites or at

15.12.2021 - 14:56 | Views: 4944
Fire monitoring and analysis maps have been developed for municipalities of eastern Ukraine


safety volunteers


Донецька область Луганська область


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