Where Ukrainians live, work and pay taxes. December, 15 – presentation of U-LEAD research outcomes

Results of the research on fair and efficient personal income distribution, held by the Ukrainian Centre of Social Reforms, commissioned by U-LEAD with Europe and SKL International, will be presented from 2:30 P.M. till 4:30 P.M. On December, 15, 2021.

Experts analyzed the impact of employment on local budget incomes and assessed consequences of changing approaches to personal income tax availability for rural municipality financial capability.

During the event it is planned for international and Ukrainian experts, representatives of government agencies and local self-government to discuss ways of enhancement of personal income tax part availability distribution among municipality budgets.

If you want to participate in the event, register with a letter, addressed to vitalii.pylypiv@giz.de.

13.12.2021 - 13:07 | Views: 4496
Where Ukrainians live, work and pay taxes. December, 15 – presentation of U-LEAD research outcomes


announcement budget


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