Our municipality competition: the Voznesensk municipality has won the competition and started implementing the project

The municipality has already obtained UAH 500 000 to implement the project «Compost trash – unite the municipality» from the organizers of Our Municipality competition. The money is planned to be invested in purchasing 100 composters and a branch breaker. The municipality is planning to develop the mechanism of decreasing the value of refuse removal for people, involved in composting.

«As soon as we purchase composters and a branch breaker, the local authorities, jointly with the Economic Development Agency public organization, will start training the municipality residents. Now some people are eager to compost trash, as we get a lot of applications for composters. Our schools and kindergartens also compost trash, the education department is developing the programme of popularizing trash composting among pupils. If there are more those, willing to compost trash, we will think about the municipal programme development to be able to buy composters at the expense of the municipality. Our main task is to leave as much organic waste as possible in households. We will control budget institutions separately for not a single sheet of paper to get to the landfill site», – said the secretary of the Voznesensk town council Viktoriya Baltser.

25.11.2021 - 13:29 | Views: 7803
Our municipality competition: the Voznesensk municipality has won the competition and started implementing the project


competition garbage international support


Миколаївська область


Вознесенська територіальна громада


Український кризовий медіа центр

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