U-LEAD with Europe presented a manual on developing inter-municipal cooperation in the healthcare sector!

To help municipalities build sustainable and capable healthcare networks, U-LEAD with Europe created a manual titled “Sustainable development of municipal healthcare networks in the course of the healthcare and decentralization reforms”.

The author of the manual, senior advisor of the consulting company Health Development Agency and U-LEAD’s expert Volodymyr Ivchuk, joined the presentation. He elaborated on how the municipalities can use the manual to develop the healthcare networks.

The manual will help to strategize the planning of the municipal healthcare networks and to understand the corporate governance of healthcare facilities. It will be useful for municipalities’ representatives who are responsible for developing healthcare networks and inter-municipal cooperation in this field.

“From the very inception of the medical reform in 2017, U-LEAD with Europe has been providing our partners in municipalities with expert support on every aspect of the healthcare transformation in Ukraine. The manual titled “Sustainable development of municipal healthcare networks in the course of the healthcare and decentralization reforms” is another example of U-LEAD’s support to Ukrainian municipalities in their efforts to transform the healthcare sector. We are certain that this manual can serve as a reliable guide for Ukrainian municipalities while they take strategic decisions shaping the Ukrainian healthcare system for the future,” stated Head of Multi-Level Governance Unit of U-LEAD Sören Herbst during the presentation.

Please download the manual at https://bit.ly/3EOD4M7

04.11.2021 - 18:04 | Views: 6378

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