4 November - U-LEAD presents a manual on building inter-municipal cooperation for the development of healthcare in municipalities

Since 2017, the Ukrainian healthcare system has undergone a profound transformation. To help municipalities develop a sustainable and capable healthcare network, U-LEAD with Europe has supported the elaboration of a manual on “Building Inter-Municipal Cooperation for Sustainable Local Hospital Network Development within the Healthcare Reform and Decentralisation”.

This guide will help understand the strategic planning of the municipality healthcare network and the corporate management of medical facilities. It will be useful for municipality representatives responsible for the development of the healthcare sector and the development of inter-municipal cooperation in this sector.

Online presentation of the manual will take place this Thursday, November 4, from 10:30 to 12:00.

To participate, please follow the link on the day of the event: https://bit.ly/U-LEAD_presentation

02.11.2021 - 11:23 | Views: 5678

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