The municipality breaking stereotypes: how a creative village of the Luhansk oblast surprises

Ukrainians want to live better – in clean yards, in repaired streets, having interesting recreation areas. It is best to put things right where the locals and the authorities collaborate. It is just the case with Novopskov in the Luhansk oblast.

An embroidery on the stairs is at the drop of a hat, a kids’ rope park is as easy as nothing, giant flower beds instead of grassless lawns are also possible. These are the examples of creativity of the Novopskovsk municipality, uniting 21 settlements in the Starobilsk rayon in the north of the Luhansk oblast. Over 23 thousand people live there. In 2020 Novopskov won in the competition "Best self-government practices", having created the best conditions for uniting and activating the population.


Луганська область


Новопсковська територіальна громада


"Пліч-о-пліч" на 24 каналі

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