USAID HOVERLA announces the grants for Expression of Interest “Participatory Budgeting”  

DAI Global LLC under USAID Governance and Local Accountability (HOVERLA) Activity, Contract No. 72012121C00001, is issuing a Grants Expression of Interest G-EOI-HOVERLA-001 Participatory Budgeting.

The purpose of this Expression of Interest (EOI) is to solicit applications for funding. DAI on behalf of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), is seeking concept papers first and then full applications from prospective national and regional non-governmental organizations to implement activities that provide citizens with understanding and practical skills of participatory budgeting and piloting models in the communities.

Please see the full text of G-EOI-HOVERLA-001 via the link:  

Ukrainian version will be added by October 25, 2021.

DAI on behalf of USAID anticipates awarding from three to six grants to fund successful applications submitted in response to this EOI. Competition for this EOI will be open for three months. All concept papers for review in the first round of evaluations are due by December 3, 2021. Second deadline for submission of concept papers (if funds remain in ceiling) January 6, 2022. The final deadline for concept papers and closure date of this EOI is February 1, 2022

Concept paper (5 pages) may be submitted only by e-mail to The official name of the applicant, name of the project and number of EOI (EOI-HOVERLA-001) should be included in the subject line of the e-mail (concept papers without indicated information will not be considered under the evaluation process).

Issuance of this EOI does not constitute an award or commitment on the part of DAI, nor does it commit DAI to pay for costs incurred in the preparation and submission of an application.

DAI reserves the right to fund any or none of the applications submitted. Further, DAI reserves the right to make no awards as a result of this EOI.

We look forward to your submissions.

22.10.2021 - 15:15 | Views: 5106
USAID HOVERLA announces the grants for Expression of Interest “Participatory Budgeting”  


grant participatory budget


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