240 financial managers take part in the “Steps for Financial Specialists” course organised by U-LEAD with Europe

Today the new U-LEAD’s project created specifically for representatives of local financial bodies was launched. It will last for 7 weeks and will help them to perform their duties effectively and in accordance to the new legislation. The course is to be held online. It will consist of seminars, workshops and study visits to the successful Ukrainian municipalities.

Participants will learn the management of the budgeting in municipalities. They will work in small groups solving different tasks based on practical cases and will be able to establish cooperation with colleagues from all over Ukraine.

Oleksandr Koren, Head of the Intergovernmental Relations Policy and Local Budgets Department of the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine:

“With the changes to the Budget Code of Ukraine that happened last year, there have been many novelties for both the state budget and local budgets. Mid-term budget planning, budget declarations and forecasting of local budgets were introduced. That is why new theoretical and practical knowledge is important for the financial managers in the municipalities.”

Natalia Starostenko, Head of the Sector of Regional and Local Development, Delegation of the European Union to Ukraine:

“Municipalities have received significant power and resources, which requires new approaches to their budget process. That is why, acknowledging the fundamental importance of good financial management for the decentralisation to be successful, the EU-funded U-LEAD with Europe developed the “Steps for Financial Specialists” training programme.”

Bastian Veigel, GIZ Programme Director of U-LEAD with Europe:

“We will be happy to help you strengthen both your professional skills and the institutional capacity of local self-government in Ukraine during the “Steps for Financial Specialists 2021” training programme. I wish you to study with pleasure, gain new knowledge and be sure to expand your professional contacts. The U-LEAD with Europe team will make every effort to create the best conditions for this.”

20.10.2021 - 15:14 | Views: 4119
240 financial managers take part in the “Steps for Financial Specialists” course organised by U-LEAD with Europe

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