How municipalities should develop tourism, with the main magnets being administered by the state: brief outcomes of the discussion

The round table was organized by the Ukraine Crisis Media Centre within the USAID DOBRE Programme, jointly with the Democratic Governance in Eastern Ukraine Project and the Bilovodsk Local History Museum, within the Museum is open for Repair Works partnership.

A priority for many municipalities of Ukraine is tourism development. Century-old palaces, national parks and reserves, lighthouses and even stud farms are located on the municipality territories. Mostly such facilities attract numerous tourists. They are administered by special state bodies and divisions, functioning from oblast capitals or the capital. Sometimes municipalities and the above-mentioned structures lack communication, that is why the tourist potential development is poor. In most cases the access to such facilities is limited or not available at all.

To change the situation and arrange efficient resources usage, it is necessary to create a dialogue and cooperation between the interested parties – that is the issue all the round table participants agreed upon.


tourism culture


Український кризовий медіа центр

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