Each municipality has received a sketch map free of charge thanks to the initiative by the MinRegion and OSCE project Coordinator in Ukraine

From now on each municipality can download a sketch map of its territory free of charge. It has become possible due to the initiative by the MinRegion and OSCE project Coordinator in Ukraine.

The initiative presentation has taken place today in the Ukraine Crisis Media Centre.

«Within the decentralisation municipality local self-government bodies powers have spread over all the territory of the country and are not limited to settlement territories anymore. To clearly understand the municipality boundaries, to see what and where is located on their territory, it is necessary for municipalities to have a simple and comprehensible map. It will allow them to efficiently manage the territory, to check out property and resources, to plan the municipality development. That is why we have created sketch maps for all municipalities jointly with partners. They are already available. At the same time, I’d like to emphasize that the sketch maps do not define municipality legal boundaries, defining them is the next step for us to take jointly with the StateGeoCadastre», - said Deputy Minister of Development of Communities and Territories of Ukraine Vyacheslav Nehoda.


spatial planning V.Nehoda Pavlo Ostapenko


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