Local self-government resources in 2022 State budget draft – infographics

On September, 15, the Government approved of draft law on 2022 State Budget of Ukraine and submitted it for the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine to consider (registration № 6000) (bill №6000).

Based on the data, selected from the draft Law by the MinRegion experts, the Decentralisation portal has prepared infographics on the main financial resources of local self-government in 2022 State Budget draft.

«According to the data, the Government provides for a considerable resource for municipality budgets. So, for the next year a radical increase in the state support, own local budget incomes and key social and economic spheres support is envisaged. We hope for people’s deputies to support the Government propositions and next year municipalities will have even more opportunities for development», - commented Deputy Minister of Development of Communities and Territories of Ukraine Vyacheslav Nehoda.


budget V.Nehoda


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