Livestock farming development: a project of the Sosnytsya municipality

7 years ago the Sosnytsya municipality in the Chernihiv oblast established the Volynkivska Milking Union for the purpose of encouraging villagers to bring milk for processing. Within the co-op 120 residents of nine neighbouring villages bring milk for processing twice a day. For this purpose, a house and refrigerators were taken on lease. All the data there are stored in the computer – weight, fat status, outcomes of the day.

The price of a milk litre can be increased, provided there is new equipment and more milk. So, the Sosnytsya municipality decided to participate in Our Municipality competition with its project to purchase everything necessary: vehicles to collect milk and transfer it to the milk plant, quality control equipment.

The municipality has already become a finalist and hopes to win the competition to increase local farmers’ incomes.

You can find out more about the project from the report by Fakty ICTV.


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