Schools and plants are being built: how the Polyana municipality is developing thanks to tourism

The Polyana municipality was established almost 5 years ago. Currently it unites over 14 thousand people from 13 villages. Due to decentralization the municipality budget has increased fifteenfold -up to UAH 126 million, the majority of it being incomes from tourism, particularly, thanks to the Polyana resort.

Annually the municipality is attended by more than 50 thousand people for the purpose of having a rest and rehabilitation. To attract more people here the Polyana Online information and tourist platform is being created for all tourists to plan their trip easily and conveniently. The information will be available in Ukrainian and English. Moreover, the municipality is developing a mobile app with an interactive map and is planning to install three information boxes.

To create the information and tourist platform the municipality residents participated in Our Municipality competition, becoming finalists. The municipality hopes to win the competition to imbody the project.

The project details can be watched in the report by Fakty ICTV.


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