Today, the EU4Culture announced the shortlisted cities of its call for proposals – “Submission of Concept Notes to support the preparation of Cultural Development Strategies”.
A total of 70 cities and towns from Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, the Republic of Moldova and Ukraine responded to the call. The jury, consisting of independent local experts and the EU4Culture consortium board, carefully reviewed and evaluated concept notes submitted by the cities and selected 5 cities from each participating country. The list for Ukraine in the following (the list below is in alphabetical order): Odesa, Poltava, Rivne, Vinnytsia, and Zhytomyr.
The selected cities will be awarded a grant of up to €1,000 to develop and to submit the Full Application. The deadline for submitting the Full Application is 30 September, 12:00 Central European Time.
At the next stage, a maximum three cities from each country will be awarded up to €30,000 grant to prepare the Cultural Development Strategy. Finally, one town or city per country will be awarded a grant of up to €300,000 to implement its strategy. In addition to the grants, the selected cities or towns will receive capacity building support in the fields of Internationalisation, Cultural Enterprise and Management, and Cultural Indicators and Statistics.
EU4Culture is a four-year project funded by the European Union to support cultural and creative sector in the Eastern Partnership countries. The project is implemented by the Goethe-Institut (lead), Czech Centres, Danish Cultural Institut and Institut Français de Géorgie.
For further information please contact:
Daria Moskalevych, the Coordinator of the ‘EU4Culture’ project at
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