Journalists are welcome to participate in the All-Ukrainian Decentralisation Reports Competition

Materials are being accepted for the annual all-Ukrainian report competition «Reforming local self-government and power territorial arrangement», held by the MinRegion with support of the Programme of the Council of Europe «Decentralisation and reform of the public administration in Ukraine», Internews-Ukraine and the coordinator of OSCE projects in Ukraine.

«Decentralisation is recognized to be a successful reform both by citizens and our European partners. The changes, having been embodied in specific cases in each Ukrainian municipality. Thus, there is a lot for journalists to highlight about decentralization achievements, perspectives and challenges», – claimed Serhiy Sharshov, the General director on issues of local self-government development, power territorial arrangement, administrative and territorial organization of the MinRegion.

26.07.2021 - 16:13 | Views: 2895
Journalists are welcome to participate in the All-Ukrainian Decentralisation Reports Competition


competition S.Sharshov



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