The DREAMactions 4.0 small grants competition for municipalities. Quality changes do not need much money

CANactions School and Western NIS Enterprise Fund, supporting initiatives of facilitating reforms in Ukraine and transformation projects, announce the onset of the fourth DREAMactions small grant competition.

DREAMactions 4.0. is aimed at supporting municipalities in the process of their transformation and development with micro grants and an educational component.

“There is a stereotype that change projects are possible only due to great financial resources. Within the three previous competitions we have managed to prove that the municipality involvement is the most important thing. That is why we provide municipalities not only with micro grants for the fourth time, but also bring them skills and knowledge how to form teams, cooperate with the authorities, ensure the result and search for partners for their municipalities’ further development”, claimed Iryna Ozymok, the head of the WNISEF local economic development programme.

Find the Competition details at

26.07.2021 - 15:48 | Views: 4398
The DREAMactions 4.0 small grants competition for municipalities. Quality changes do not need much money


grant competition


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