30 municipalities of the Volyn region have been invited to participate in the first selection by the Hoverla USAID Project

The first selection of the USAID Project «Enhancing the work efficiency and accountability of local self-government bodies» (HOVERLA) will involve 30 municipalities of the Volyn region.

Based on the competition results HOVERLA will select up to 10 municipalities out of these 30 ones. Do not hesitate to pose clarifying questions to the regional director of the HOVERLA USAID Project Vladyslav Synytskyi via email at hoverla@dai.com or at the Facebook page of the Project: facebook.com/USAIDhoverla.

26.07.2021 - 10:16 | Views: 4363
30 municipalities of the Volyn region have been invited to participate in the first selection by the Hoverla USAID  Project


international support competition


Волинська область


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