AUC is starting a series of webinars for the local self-government bodies on land resources management

Within the Memorandum on Cooperation the Association of Ukrainian Cities in partnership with the All-Ukrainian Aero Surveying Association is beginning a set of training online-seminars, entitled «From theory to practice of efficient land resources management».

The webinars, beginning on June, 16, 2021, are aimed at assisting municipalities in organizing the work within the new legislation properly and efficiently and improving their financial capability, using innovative tools of land resources management.

Municipality heads, their deputies, experts of the local self-government structural land resources divisions are welcome to participate in the webinars.

To take part in the event, it is necessary to fill in the form at: by June, 14, 2021.

11.06.2021 - 12:29 | Views: 5957
AUC is starting a series of webinars for the local self-government bodies on land resources management


land study announcement


Асоціація міст України

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