2021Hromada Leaders School: enrollment is going on

The Ukrainian Political Studies School has started a selection for the programme of 2021Hromada Leaders School. Applications can be filed from April, 15 until May, 10.

The Hromada Leaders School is a training programme, aimed at uniting local leaders from all regions of Ukraine and assisting them in developing their hromadas. The project has been existing since 2015 under the auspice of the Ukrainian Political Studies School and the Laboratory of Legislative Initiatives, supported by the Vidrodzhennya (Renaissance) International Foundation.

The application form can be filled in by May, 10.

You are welcome to participate in the event free of charge.

All the details about 2021Hromada Leaders School and the application form are available at: http://www.leaders.usps.org.ua.

22.04.2021 - 16:45 | Views: 5017

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