Announcement: an open online-festival-competition «A Safe Hromada» has started

Provided with a communicative support by the Dnipropetrovsk regional office of the U-LEAD with Europe Programme, the Slobozhanska territorial hromada is holding an open online-festival-competition «A Safe Hromada». Within the competition the best videos about introduction of measures, related to safety and population civil protection, will be defined.

Under the adaptive quarantine the online-competition is aimed at developing the legal and safe environment in territorial hromadas, planning measures targeted to increasing the efficiency of the population and territories protection from natural and human-induced emergencies.

Hromadas from all regions of Ukraine are welcome to participate in the competition.

05.04.2021 - 15:29 | Views: 7107
Announcement: an open online-festival-competition «A Safe Hromada» has started


safety announcement competition


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