Does your hromada need secondary school teachers? Apply for the selection by the Teach for Ukraine programme

The Teach for Ukraine programme enrolls schools-partners in the Lviv, Kyiv, Odesa, Dnipropetrovsk and Ivano-Frankivsk oblasts.

Teach for Ukraine is a programme, involving talents in the school education for the open vacancies of teachers. Schools-partners employ one or several young teachers to teach a school subject for two years and organize extracurricular activities for pupils and a hromada.

The community of Teach for Ukraine schools-partners currently consists of 19 schools in the Kyiv, Lviv and Odesa oblasts. The programme is also a part of the Teach For All global network, uniting 60 countries of the world.

More details about the programme are available at:


02.04.2021 - 11:54 | Views: 5083

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