Hromadas are being selected for the project «Cultural Service Centres as a Hromada Cohesion Tool»

The Union of Researchers of Ukraine public organisation, supported by Swiss Development and Cooperation Agency in collaboration with the Ministry of Culture and Information Policy of Ukraine, announces the beginning of the hromada selection for the project « Cultural Service Centres as a Hromada Cohesion Tool».

Territorial hromadas of the Donetsk, Zakarpatya, Zaporizhya, Luhansk, Kherson, Chernivtsi and Chernihiv regions, ready to cooperate with the project team for the purpose of achieving mutually beneficial results, are welcome to participate. One hromada will be selected in each region for the project to be fulfilled for twelve months.

To participate in the project it is necessary fill in a registration form by April, 2, 2021, at and to get a confirmation from the project team. The selection results will be announced by April, 10, 2021.

22.03.2021 - 16:36 | Views: 14857
Hromadas are being selected for the project «Cultural Service Centres as a Hromada Cohesion Tool»


culture competition announcement


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