Regions will be able to continue projects of developing health care system in rural areas in 2021- the Government decision

The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine has amended the Procedure and Provisions of Providing a Subvention from the State Budget for the purpose of taking measures, aimed at health care system development in rural areas. The appropriate resolution has been approved by the Government at its meeting on March, 3.

The resolution, developed by the MinRegion, will ensure the target and efficient usage in 2021 of the subvention remnants that in the previous years were targeted to construction, reconstruction and major repairs of dispensaries in the rural areas, purchase of vehicles for doctors’ transfer and tele-medical equipment.

04.03.2021 - 16:29 | Views: 7005
Regions will be able to continue projects of developing health care system in rural areas in 2021- the Government decision


healthcare budget subvention



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