Opportunities for hromadas: there has been announced an all-Ukrainian competition on hromada safety development under the COVID-19 pandemic

The Institute of Peace and Understanding public organization, supported by the   Renaissance International fund, announced a competition of projects on hromada safety development “Enhancing hromada potential to make systemic changes in the sphere of safety, related to special threats and need under the COVID-19 pandemic conditions”.

The competition is starting on March, 01, application filing deadline is March, 20.

You can find the competition details at: https://cutt.ly/8lN8Rud

To participate in the competition it is necessary to fill in an application at: https://forms.gle/siYtPXCFAXUs8H9P6.

03.03.2021 - 15:43 | Views: 5835

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competition safety koronavirus


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