The European Parliament has recognized decentralization to be one of the most successful reforms in Ukraine

On February, 11 by a majority of votes the European Parliament approved of the Report on the EU association agreement implementation by Ukraine. The document highlights the progress made in the sphere of reforms and the Agreement implementation, as well as provides recommendations concerning the further cooperation trends.

 «The European Parliament welcomes achievements reached by Ukraine in decentralization and the local authorities possibilities expansion, which is one of the most successful reforms so far..., positively assesses the steps made for the purpose of the state power and budget decentralization via ratification of legal instruments and their practical implementation; calls the European Commission to thoroughly investigate decentralization practices in Ukraine and to consider their implementation in other states», – stipulates the document.

12.02.2021 - 16:39 | Views: 6338
The European Parliament has recognized decentralization to be one of the most successful reforms in Ukraine


international support Oleksii Chernyshov



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15.02.2021 - 09:48
A fuller and more complete reading of the European Parliament resolutions indicates a lot of "regrets" "concerns" "urges" "strongly condemns" with regard to much of the paragraphs in this resolution.
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