U-LEAD with Europe announces the call for projects on “Volunteering in hromadas

U-LEAD with Europe Programme launched the call for projects on “Volunteering in hromadas”.

Selected projects will be implemented in Ukrainian hromadas in cooperation between local self-government bodies and non-commercial organisations designated as implementing organisations.

The goal of the contest is to promote volunteering initiatives in Ukrainian hromadas and to contribute to the development of a volunteering culture. We are striving to transform the energy and enthusiasm of active citizens and NGOs into tangible actions and projects. These citizens and organisations will become partners for local self-government bodies to improve the quality of life in hromadas for all their residents, as well as to promote the sustainable development of hromadas.

The call will be implemented in two stages:

Stage 1: call for project ideas, which will result in the shortlisting of up to 75 project ideas (23 November - 30 December)

Stage 2: call for project proposals, for the winners of stage 1, will include training in the preparation of project proposals and selection of up to 24 proposals that will gain support (18 January - 10 March).

Village, settlement and town hromadas with up to 50,000 residents are able to apply for the call in partnership with non-profit organisations (NGOs, charity organisations, municipal entities and institutions).

The detailed description of the terms of the competition can be found via this link

01.12.2020 - 10:33 | Views: 8975
U-LEAD with Europe announces the call for projects on “Volunteering in hromadas

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competition participation of citizens koronavirus


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