Decentralization is the only recipe for Ukraine to succeed as a capable and independent state. This was stated by Vice Prime Minister/ Minister of Regional Development, Construction, Housing and Utilities of UkraineHennadii Zubko during a public report on the implementation of the Action Programme of the Government.
"The year of 2015 has become irreversible in the decentralization reform. In 2016 we should draw a strategic line under this reform process and change 500 laws that clearly distribute powers among various authorities at all levels", said Hennadii Zubko.
"We have launched a wide process of upgrading the country, it is impossible to stop. The flywheel has triggered and in 2016 the decentralization reform will speed up. Neither country in the world has embarked on such major reforms for such a short period of time. Therefore, the Ukrainians can be proud of that", stressedHennadii Zubko.
"The decentralization reform has united Ukrainians and the global community. The crucial thing is we have won the support of ordinary citizens, as 60% of the population believe in the positive results of this reform and back the implementation of it. The EU and the U.S. support us and continue sanctions against Russia, giving us time to pursue the reform process. We have the support of international financial institutions and donor organizations, central and local authorities, the VR members and the local elite", stressed Hennadii Zubko.
The Vice Prime Minister reminded, while addressing the Ukrainian Parliament U.S. Vice-President Joe Biden said that the decentralization reform is extremely important for Ukraine's future in Europe: "The constitutional reforms, including judicial reform and decentralization that involves the use of best European practices, doesn’t imply renunciation of democratic principles, this does not undermine sovereignty."
In the process of carrying out the decentralization process the Ministry of Regional Development, Construction, Housing and Utilities applies the experience of countries that have successfully gone through this process. They help to Ukraine both to develop programme strategies and to finance the implementation ofprogrammes, stressed Hennadii Zubko.
He reminded that a total of 159 communities have already united and in the elections of 25 October chose their deputies and chairpersons of local councils. They have already started their activities and demonstrate a good example of how a successful reform of decentralization allows communities to shape their life.
The Vice Prime Minister assured that next year the Ministry would continue to implement the reforms.
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