On October, 25, for the first time in Ukraine, local elections on the new territorial basis were held, being the result of the decentralisation, initiated by the Government five years ago. Currently the country is heading to the new, efficient local self-government. This year the Verkhovna Rada has passed a set of enactments, regulating harmonization of the key issues of the local power organisation.
«Conducting the local elections on the new territorial basis is a powerful impetus for regions to develop and Ukrainians’ life to approach the European standards. After the local elections we have to bring local self-government bodies and rayon state administrations into efficiency condition. Now we are waiting for the Verkhovna Rada to pass the bill, the norms of which will enable the local authorities not only to manage the funds, land, resources, but also to solve urgent issues of hromadas functioning and to influence the voters’ social comfort level and welfare», – underlined Oleksiy Chernyshov, the Minister of Development of Communities and Territories of Ukraine.
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