City hromadas are welcome to participate in the contest of municipal energy management introduction

On October, 12, 2020 the project Promotion of Energy Efficiency and Implementation of EU Directive on Energy Efficiency in Ukraine initiates a contest of applications for city hromadas. Within the contest 32 partners will be selected to be supported in introducing municipal energy management. The Project Partners will be assisted with educational events, individual consultations and regular support visits. An integrated approach to the energy management will be mastered not only by specialists, responsible for the energy management, but also representatives of the authorities and the political level, department employees and heads, responsible for premises.

The Project plans to assist small, middle-size towns and city AHs in introducing Municipal Energy Management and taking energy efficiency actions, based on the experience obtained within the previous Project Energy Efficiency in Hromadas II, which successfully introduced Municipal Energy Management in 20 towns of Ukraine.

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