The Efficient Hromada digital transformation contest from the Ministry for Digital Transformation

The Ministry for Digital Transformation has announced the contest «Efficient Hromada». It is the first phase of assessing digital transformation of territorial hromadas for the purpose of developing a future strategy of the regions digital transformation.

The contest is being held by the Ministry for Digital Transformation in cooperation with the EGAP Programme «E-Governing Aimed at Authorities’ Accountability and Hromadas Participation), realized by the Eastern Europe Foundation and the Innovabridge Foundation, supported by Switzerland.

Each AH of Ukraine can participate in the contest.

To take part in the contest it is necessary to register at and describe the best fulfilled or planned project.

Applications are accepted by October, 7.


25.09.2020 - 10:27 | Views: 8647
The Efficient Hromada digital transformation contest from the Ministry for Digital Transformation




Міністерство цифрової трансформації

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