UNICEF has started accepting hromada applications for the 2020 Best Hromada Initiative children and youth award

This year the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), in partnership with the Ministry of Youth and Sports, will define the projects within the youth and children policy for the youth and kids to call the best. Towns and hromadas from all over Ukraine are invited to compete for the 2020 Best Hromada Initiative children and youth award.

The competition entries will be assessed in two stages. At the first stage the experts’ jury will select 10 finalists. At the second one children and youth – representatives of Youth and Children Advisory Councils, participating in the Children and Youth Friendly Hromada initiative, will select the most topical and innovative project to their mind.

Applications can be filed by October, 15 at: https://forms.gle/12q7vPMwtz7QsSnR6

22.09.2020 - 11:31 | Views: 10886
UNICEF has started accepting hromada applications for the 2020 Best Hromada Initiative children and youth award


youth competition Hromada, druzhnia do ditei ta molodi



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