2021 State Budget draft: the key figures and experts’ propositions

Particularly, the draft envisages establishing direct inter-budget relations with new territorial hromadas.

The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine has approved of the draft of the Law of Ukraine On the 2021 State Budget of Ukraine and sent it for the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine to consider.

The 2021 State Budget stipulates incomes of UAH 1,1 trillion and expenditures of UAH 1,3 trillion. It is proposed to define the marginal budget deficit at the level of UAH 270 billion.

The draft suggests forecasting the income increase by 9,4%, and expenditure growth by 5,1%.

15.09.2020 - 10:36 | Views: 23345
2021 State Budget draft: the key figures and experts’ propositions


budget budget analytics Viktor Ventsel Ihor Herasymchuk

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