The Up-to-date Library Pattern for AHs online-forum: a mini-team competitive selection has started

On October, 1, 2020 the Up-to-date Library Pattern for AHs online-forum will be held at the ZOOM platform. The event has been organized within the Four Library Spaces: The Innovative Activity project, carried out by the Ukrainian Library Association, funded by the Ukrainian Culture Foundation. The project partners are Daryna Zholdak Foundation, the Association of Amalgamated Hromadas, the Ministry of Culture and Information Policy of Ukraine.

Applications are accepted until 18.00 September, 15, 2020.

To participate in the competition it is necessary to make two steps:

Step 1. To form a mini-team, including a librarian and the AH head (or a local self-government body representative),

Step 2. To fill in an application form.

Based on the competition results, 50 mini-teams will be selected to participate in the Forum.

08.09.2020 - 12:15 | Views: 8899
The Up-to-date Library Pattern for AHs online-forum: a mini-team competitive selection has started


libraries competition culture


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